Limau nipis / Lime


Citrus × aurantiifolia
Also know as:
Key lime / Lime / Limau nipis

A shrubby tree, up to 5 meter with many thorns, a yellowish white blossom, with flower and fruit appear throughout the years. Max yield around age 10, although sometime starts fruiting at age 1 to 2. Propagate by cutting, seed and grafting.

  • Native to Southeast Asia, brought through Middle East to North Africa, then to Sicily and Andalucia to West Indies, by the Spanish explorers.
  • We plant only one in our farm, we hope to add more soon!
  • High in Vitamin C, also choke full with nutrients and vitamins such as vitamin B1, B2, B3 B5, calcium, iron and magnesium.
Soap, shampoo, beauty product, aromatherapy.

  • Ulcer. Washed and press the juice from 1 lime, add water, and drink before eating meal.
  • Headache, drink the juice with add water and honey.
  • Wound. To heal wound, rub half the lime to injury and leave it dry. (ouch!)
  • For healthy kidney, drink the juice thrice a day.
  • To lose weight, drink the juice warm.
  • To reduce coughing, drink the juice mixed with soy sauce.
  • Throat infection, mixed 1/2 cup warm water, juice of 3 lime, 1 tsp honey and gargle the mixture for 3 minutes, 3 x a day.
  • Reduce addiction to smoking, sliced the lime thinly, suck on it when you want to smoke and drink a glass of warm water. Repeat as needed for a week.
  • Natural deodorant, scrub body with half of lime. Let it dry for 5 minutes before shower as usual.
  • Oily face, scrub the lime half on to face (except if there's a cut) and washed after 10 minutes.
  • Acne and reducing the scar, apply the lime juice with cotton bud on acne and the scar, washed after 30 minutes. To increase effectiveness, mixed honey in.
  • Healthy, thick shiny hair without dandruff and hair fall, washed hair scalp with lime juice and rest for 30 minutes before wash with clean water. Do it 3 x a week minimally.
Busy mom recipe(less than 30 minutes)
Katie's mom recipe
Sambal belacan mempelam (Mango spicy sauce)

1 tsb shrimp paste
5 cayenne pepper
1 ripe mempelam epal/ mango apple
Sugar to taste
Lime juice to taste

Heat the shrimp paste on heat, until fragrant. Mashed with cayenne pepper. Add slices or grated mango in, mixed thoroughly. Add sugar and lime juice to taste.

P.s. Delicious served over warm rice, as condiment to ulam, raw vegetables or grilled seafood.

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